Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Habby Bird Day

Today would have been my grandmother's 72nd birthday. She died 12 years ago from lung cancer. I wore a red dress to her funeral because she loved color and I was forbidden to wear black. I figured dressing like a tramp would have given her a chuckle.

My grandmother is amazing. I say "is" because I still think that way about her. She always made me laugh, which is probably why I gave her the title of Funny Grandma.

She wore toilet paper on the nose guards of her glasses when she ironed, loves to "jive talk", always has Ovaltine, loves my Buckwheat impersonation, she has every shade of purple/lavendar nail polish known to man, she has a booming laugh, she loves her "stories" (read: novellas), she wore red lipstick when she was young and her kitchen always smells like chiles, garlic, lime and cumin. Sometimes I'll sautee those ingredients just to feel close to her. And, they taste good on my huevos.

So, in the Mexican accent para mi familia...

Habby Bird Day to ju...
Habby Bird Day to ju...
Habby Bird Day to Funny Grandma....
Habby Bird Day to ju!

Con mas dulces,

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