Thursday, September 10, 2009

Oh No He Di'n't!

I’ve been watchin' the reports about that a man in Texas who won an award at the state fair for his culinary concoction: Deep Fried Butter.

He obviously doesn't know that the original creator of Deep Fried Butter Balls is me. The nerve.

If you'll remember, three years ago, on a dare, I created deep fried butter? And, through a series of goofy events, I ended up on Paula Deen’s show “Paula’s Party” (episode: “Everything is Better with Butter”). You can even find the recipe on the Food Network website!

Here’s a link to my blog and how the butter balls came about…

What put the bee in my bonnet is Letterman's Top Ten last night was about Deep Fried Butter.

Game on.

That fool in TX should've never messed with a SPQ. I have a tiara and I ain't a-skairt to use it.